But Where is it Coming From?

But Where is it Coming From?
“…pay attention to her, she is singing your song.”
 –Kabir, “Hiding in This Cage”


She stretches her mouth to the sky,
spilling music everywhere.
“Listen,” she hums, before trilling your instructions.


“Listen to everyone and learn.
Trust that you will find everything you need.
Absorb the wisdom you will find in every moment
and greet all experiences as teachers.”


She shifts into a minor key,
with a brooding verse about honoring the shadow,
balancing the light with the deep, scary dark,
“Remember that you need both to be whole.
If you risk cavernous pain you will meet oceanic love.”


“Listen,” she crescendos before beginning the last verse.
“Listen and see and taste and feel, especially feel,
all that this world will give to you
if you will accept it.
The choice is yours,” she hums,
fading into the silence of truth.

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