In the spirit world
everything speaks,
every being carries
a message meant
exclusively for you.
To participate
in the lesson,
simply trust that
you can know
without having to
think, that you will
feel the wisdom
settle and spread
as you receive
answers to questions
you did not know
you were asking.
Ideas and dreams travel through us,
becoming words sparking between spirits,
desires twinkling from souls,
colliding and exploding into flames
of indistinguishable, inextinguishable
purpose and passion.
Surround your time
with feathers of wonder
until you have enough
to make a set of wings.
And then fly fast through those
illusions, clocks and mirrors,
until there is no separation
between you and anything else.
Upon your return, give voice
to that unity, letting its simple
song spill from the you
you are now.
Jibberish, jabberish,
walk, walk, walk.
Jibber, jabber,
step, step, step.
On a jabber walky
one must utter only
nonsense, only things
that nobody else
would understand,
scraps of imagination
thrown into a silk hat
and tossed together
until you end up with
buttons burping
gasoline and smelling
like peaches while
star-shaped robots laugh
about alien vegetable
romances, and so on,
and so on. One foot
in front of the other,
one thought tumbling
from one place to
another, transformed
by lightning-quick
strokes of madness
only accessed through
daily walking and total
fascination with the
world above, below,
around, and inside you.
Imagine yourself tiny,
floating on a speck
of light, your wonder
swelling as you
careen through the
galaxy, skimming
stars, dancing with
darkness, twisting
time into a million
knots until nothing
matters but now.
And when you get there
you will remember here,
maybe with fondness,
maybe with a shudder,
but the distance you travel
from here to Beyond
will teach you in ways
you never thought you
could be taught, will rip
the doors right off the
hinges of what you thought
you might know, who you
thought you might be.
Unbind these hands and
reach out, palms cupped
for catching sunshine.
Free your freedom,
letting it fly forward
while you chase it, laughing.
Let curiosity guide you
on the unmarked trail
through this canyon of adventure,
with wonder walking on your left
and gratitude on your right.
Sitting at the kitchen table
on a Sunday evening,
listening to Miles Davis,
eating homemade lasagna–
one square from the big, full
pan begging for company–
alone engulfs me,
and I realize how scary
it really is, how “kind of blue”
it can be, but also how nice,
how tranquil, despite the
overwhelming melancholy
of this moment.
Silence, stillness, and solitude,
those sisters who walked by my house
every day for years, long braids
swinging with their gentle laughter,
secrets sliding between them,
those sisters I pretended not to see,
making myself look too busy to chat
or ducking inside when I heard
their footsteps, those sisters have
started stopping by for daily visits.
Now, instead of hiding, I leave
the door open for them, set the table
for four, and smile when they stroll in
and stay longer than I ever could
have imagined I would let them.
Not back, but deeper,
although both require pain
in cracking and re-setting
crooked bones of assumption,
in the dusty discomfort
of sifting through shadows.
Not back, but deeper,
because forward is the only way through—
not standing still waiting for change,
not slipping backward into comfort.
Not back, but deeper,
requires digging until
you slump with exhaustion,
howl with frustration,
plead for respite.
Not back, but deeper,
even when you ache to resurface,
when truth’s rancid breath
makes you wretch.
Not back, but deeper,
until your heart shatters open
at the first speck of beauty,
at the faint, but pure, voice
harmonizing with the melody
you’ve stifled all these years.
Not back, but deeper,
as you approach the mirror
with a smile, finally able to look
without flinching, recognizing, at last,
that wise woman from your dreams