Jibberish, jabberish,
walk, walk, walk.
Jibber, jabber,
step, step, step.
On a jabber walky
one must utter only
nonsense, only things
that nobody else
would understand,
scraps of imagination
thrown into a silk hat
and tossed together
until you end up with
buttons burping
gasoline and smelling
like peaches while
star-shaped robots laugh
about alien vegetable
romances, and so on,
and so on. One foot
in front of the other,
one thought tumbling
from one place to
another, transformed
by lightning-quick
strokes of madness
only accessed through
daily walking and total
fascination with the
world above, below,
around, and inside you.
Imagine yourself tiny,
floating on a speck
of light, your wonder
swelling as you
careen through the
galaxy, skimming
stars, dancing with
darkness, twisting
time into a million
knots until nothing
matters but now.
And when you get there
you will remember here,
maybe with fondness,
maybe with a shudder,
but the distance you travel
from here to Beyond
will teach you in ways
you never thought you
could be taught, will rip
the doors right off the
hinges of what you thought
you might know, who you
thought you might be.