Please don’t grow up too fast—
it sounds cliché and every adult in your life who cares about you will say it at some point,
but stop once or twice and give it a thought.
I watch you on your bike,
racing the other kids,
long, straight hair streaming behind you like your past will someday,
and I see you rejoice to be free and uninhibited and at play.
I’ve seen you at the park, though, parading around the boys playing football,
jeans low on your budding hips, makeup on your lips and eyes.
Don’t sell out your childhood—
for those boys or for anyone else who tries to convince you growing up is glamorous.
Growing up is hard.
Lost innocence inflicts a wound you will never fully heal,
so do it slowly and in its own tender time.
Enjoy these years without car payments
or complicated relationships
or the ugly politics of working.
Ride faster, dear girl, and feel your childhood’s playful fingers tickle you.
Slow down and soak up the sunshine of your youth.
Don’t be afraid to hold on as long as you need to.
Don’t let glossy magazines and misguided advice columns
convince you that you need to be anything other than who you are.
For every minute you spend on your appearance,
spend ten nurturing your dreams and doing the things that make you feel alive.
Love yourself and believe in your worth.
Grow into your woman self gently
and with the wisdom of a childhood well-lived.