Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Year’s Dissolutions

New Year’s Dissolutions
I will dissolve fear
and open to risk


I will dissolve worry
and open to uncertainty


I will dissolve busy-ness
and open to stillness


I will dissolve striving
and open to peace


I will dissolve mindlessness
and open to mindfulness


I will dissolve judgment
and open to openness


I will dissolve regret
and open to opportunity


I will dissolve regrets from 2011
and open to opportunities of 2012


Look Closely

Look Closely
Purple sky
releasing gentle flakes
onto frustrated travelers
           standing in slush
          waiting for shuttles


Tired passengers
sharing phones and smiles
with frustrated travelers
         stranded for hours
         desperate for destinations



Dear Death,

Dear Death,
With all due respect,
I know you have a very important job,
and a very difficult job, I would imagine.
You’ve been working hard lately
and I would just like to suggest
that you take some time off, or at least
take your work elsewhere for a while.
I need time to replenish my well of tears,
time to mend my black veil.
I trust you will consider this request
and, in doing so, suspend any judgment
regarding my stubborn desire
for a shadowless joy.

Tuesday Night Hope for Wayward Boys

Tuesday Night Hope for Wayward Boys
For the brave boys whose words amaze and surprise me…


Young voices gush into notebooks,
flooding pages with depth and meaning.
Whispers become louder,
turning into confident shouts
as they play around with words,
begin to trust their innate wisdom,
aware, for maybe the first time,
that they have something to say.


Sometimes their passion feels so fragile
I fear it will snap or shrink or retreat,
so I hold my breath
it will take root,
then sprout into the words
that will ignite their young hearts.