Category Archives: Uncategorized













a place to keep the outside out
a place to keep the inside in


a place to meet your spirit
a place to hide your shadow


a place to swallow stillness
a place to devour dreams


a place to inhale wild
a place to absorb truth

Who is This Woman?

Who is This Woman?
“In this woman the earth speaks…”
-Wendell Berry, Earth and Fire


Wind whispers through her lips.
Rocks murmur from her chest.
Trees chant in her strong legs.
Roots tell stories through her feet.
Sky delivers speeches in her eyes.
Moon gives advice from her belly.
Dirt asks questions in her fingertips.
Ocean screams through her blood.
Rain recites poetry from her shoulders.
Earth echoes in her heart.

El Santuario de Chimayo

El Santuario de Chimayo
I wanted so badly to feel
or at least believe
in that dark sanctuary
made holy with tall candles,
pictures of saints.
I closed my eyes,
squeezed tighter,
knelt on splintered rail,
repeating silent words
like heal and open,
waiting for a miracle
to twinkle through me,
some sort of sign
declaring sanctity.


But the only evidence
lay outside my soul:
pilgrims genuflecting,
dropping to their knees,
even raising their hands,
all appearing
to feel and believe
something I could not.
Even standing over
the well of sacred dirt
watching everyone else
fill plastic bags,
rub bodies with dust,
then finally sifting it
through my own fingers,
no flash of light,
no sparkly feeling.


Only after pushing open
heavy doors,
feeling sunlight
lay hands all over me,
hearing birds praise
the cloudless sky,
smelling sage and pinon,
arrived on a path
which is not right
or wrong,
just different.


Before Proceeding

Before Proceeding
Just a few things
she needed to know:
Would he be jealous
if he found her
kissing the sun?
How would he handle
whispered conversations
with the moon?
Could he tolerate
sharing her hands
with the soil?
Would he feel inadequate
if the wind touched her
in ways he could not?
And what if he caught her
with limbs tangled
in and around
tall handsome trees?

Vantage Point

Vantage Point
vantage point (noun): a position that affords a broad overall view or perspective, as of a place or situation
American Heritage Dictionary


At first it felt frivolous
to pull onto a dirt road
while cars raced on the highway
in a hurry to do important things,
felt foolish to stand there
watching that moment
when the day finally sits back
exhaling an orange sigh,
felt silly to gasp
when orange breath
became pink fingers
stroking silhouettes of mountains.
And then it became obvious
it would have been
to be doing anything else.

Especially Today

Especially Today
I celebrate
residing in my heart.


My heart,
whose door
has swung open
so many times,
whose foyer
collects coats and hats
all colors and sizes,
whose hallway
wears footprints
of every precious guest,
whose living room walls
are papered
with whispers and laughter,
whose garden
blooms abundant
from seeds scattered by smiles.


You are all here
at home in my heart.
Our love
in its many shapes
has endured
will endure
space, time
life, death
pain, joy.