Found in Translation

Found in Translation
I said “Ground me” not
“Grind me.”
But I suppose that’s the problem
with praying while chewing.
Or maybe too many people were on their cell phones,
scrambling my plea
and everyone else’s,
creating chaos worldwide
as “open” became “broken”,
“gentleness” became “gentlemen”,
and “strength to survive” became “streets I can drive.”
Perhaps the dispatcher scratched his head
as he scribbled down these unusual requests
before setting them on the Divine’s desk.
I’m sure the Divine chuckled,
and smiled her wise smile,
knowing that what we really need
isn’t usually what we ask for,
that assigning words
to our deepest needs
is a long shot, at best,
that I needed to be “ground”
before I could be “grounded.”

One Response »

  1. I LOVE this poem…brilliant…really…flipping brilliant. I love to play with words…love to mess with them…ignor rules and see what happens..and I do have fun….like a verbal skateboarder tearing up the sidewalks…using planters and hand rails as props…but dang…you are the Cirque du Soleil of these gravity (if not death) defying word acrobatics.

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