Be-Now Fill-Joy

Be-Now Fill-Joy
Change your live-here tick-tock hours…”
-William Stafford, In the All-Verbs Navaho World

Wake up with the look-at-me sun,
skip-walk down the go-anywhere path.
Feel the tickle-tickle breeze,
praise-listen to the bring-glee birds.
Pause-breathe when your move-everywhere legs
grow happy-weary-ready for fold-sit-rest.


Inhale the cleanse-change air,
swallow-spread stillness through your heart-cradle chest.
Surrender-squeeze your look-notice eyes,
open-ready your listen-hear ears.
Experience the tiptoe-tiny mice
whisper-dance through point-sway grass.


Open your cup-hand vessels to drip-drop rain,
slurp-swallow the grow-life nectar.
Let it deep-flow-rush into your twinkle-cells,
feel it rainbow-grow through your give-blossom center.
Thank-smile at this bliss-bless moment,
cry-give sing-joy from your word-shaper song-breather lips.

9 Responses »

  1. I have never heard a moment described so eloquently. Really beautiful. And wisdom with humility…..does it get any more pure than that? To me, that just might be the definition of wisdom:) Thank you for sharing! Keep it up!!

  2. Thank heavens for all the “Brendas” in this hurry-up world.
    We all need to slow down and enjoy what life has to offer, especially this time of year!

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